Michelle Ludeke 27th September 2008

I just found out today about Kathy's passing. I have known her my whole life only as Mrs. Jomaa but more importantly as a neighborhood mother. I grew up two doors down from the Jomaa girls and can still to this day recite all the Jomaa girls names probably as fast as they can; Mirvat, Manal, Mouna, Maia, Malak and Maha (in order too). I will never forget the first time I met the Jomaa girls my mother and I were walking down the street it was a snowy day and the older ones were building a snow fort and Malak and Maha were watching in the doorway. My mom started to talk to Kathy and from that moment on the Jomaa's were just apart of my life. Mirvat, Manal,Mouna and Maia used to babysit my sister and I. Malak and Maha were my best friends. Kathy was always so sweet to my sister and I. She would always make sure that my sister and I would get a Christmas present every year even if it was something little. One year she gave us this beautiful ornament which I still have. When I found out today that she passed I felt like a little bit of my childhood is gone forever. I loved Kathy very much and I am so sad that she is no longer with us. I am sorry for her daughters too and I know that they had such a wonderful mother and an excellent role model. Love, Michelle Ludeke