The thoughtfulness and generosity of my Mother...

Created by manal_jomaa 15 years ago
The attached letter is dated 3/7/08. It's from Mom, who was worried about me as I was laid off and out of a job after 12 years of what I thought was longevity in this Automotive company. No severance was offered, so I lived off of unemployment for several months. I applied online, and via mail to literally over one hundred job opportunities. Many for $5 or more dollars less than my previous pay... just to get a job to survive. She would always call me to ask how I was doing and if I had any opportunities in the works. She was concerned for me for the fact that I had recently purchased a house, was trying hard to keep up on bills, and keep food in the house and on the table for my kids. I truly had to sacrifice a bill each month to pay another, but somehow I made it work. 3/5/08 was the very last week that I was receiving benefits from the Unemployment Insurance Agency. Yes, it was 6 months of hoping, and searching for a job- any job! I was on my own now, knowing that no money was going to come in if a miracle didn't happen quick!! I spoke to Mom at that time in my life, and I think she sensed the stress and worry in my voice. I was literally scared. not for myself, but for my kids. Then comes this letter in the mail with a $250.00 check in it. She always knew when help was most needed. I was forever grateful. I cried... not because she was such a beautiful, generous soul who wanted to help out her stuggling daughter, but because she felt the need to help us monthly from then on with part of the only money she was receiving- her diability benefits. It just so happened that on 3/12/08, I found the job of a lifetime in the Healthcare Industry! I interviewed twice & accepted the job all in one day, and I couldn't be happier... I'm still there and I love every second! In a sense, I feel like she helped me get it. When I have a down moment there, I think of Mom and how much she wanted me to have this. It brightens my spirits and helps me to realize that I should be happy to have a job in this grueling MI economy. I think of you always Mom... you've always inspired me to be and do my best!! Manal
